Τρίτη 21 Ιουνίου 2016

ΤΡΟΜΟΣ ΣΤΙΣ ΗΠΑ! Συνέλαβαν τρία άτομα οπλισμένα σαν αστακούς στη Νέα Υόρκη

Συναγερμός σήμανε σήμερα στις ΗΠΑ.
Τρία άτομα συνελήφθησαν έχοντα στην κατοχή τους πιστόλια, τουφέκια και αλεξίσφαιρα γιλέκα στο τούνελ Χόλαντ που συνδέει το Νιου Τζέρσει με τη Νέα Υόρκη.
Η αστυνομία τους σταμάτησε αρχικά επειδή το μπροστινό τζάμι του αυτοκινήτου ήταν ραγισμένο.

3 arrested in New York’s Holland Tunnel with loaded rifles, body armor - report
The three individuals were traveling to New York on Tuesday, but were stopped around 8 a.m. on the New Jersey side of the tunnel. A search of their vehicle revealed the cache of the combat gear, which a police photograph showed including a shotgun, a scoped rifle, knives, multiple pistols and several ammunition magazines.
Police described said that the arrested individuals were two men in their fifties and a woman in her 30s, and that they may be from Pennsylvania, NBC 4 New York reported.The Joint Terrorism Task Force is assisting in the investigation, a source told NBC4. However, law enforcement officials told the network that the three suspects are "gun enthusiasts,” and that there is no terror threat.
Investigators are looking into whether the suspects were planning to shoot a rival drug dealer, the source said.
The Holland Tunnel travels under the Hudson River, connecting Jersey City, New Jersey to Manhattan, New York. It is one of the main conduits of the New York Metropolitan Area, with nearly 100,000 automobiles passing through it every day.
The FBI's field office in New York City and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey have not yet responded to RT's request for comment.


3 Arrested With Multiple Loaded Guns, Knives, Body Armor at Holland Tunnel on Way to NYC
Three people were arrested with multiple loaded guns, knives and ballistic vests at the Holland Tunnel Tuesday when police stopped them for driving with a cracked windshield, authorities tell NBC 4 New York.

The three individuals, two men in their 50s and a woman in her 20s who may be from Pennsylvania, were stopped on the New Jersey side of the tunnel around 8 a.m., authorities said. A search of their vehicle revealed the weapons cache.

The guns seized included long-range weapons as well as handguns. A camouflage helmet with what appeared to be night goggles was also recovered.
Two senior law enforcement officials say the three suspects are so-called "gun enthusiasts" and have no nexus to terror. There is no known threat.

Drugs were in the vehicle along with the guns, according to one law enforcement official. One of the suspects allegedly told authorities the trio was en route to Queens to try to save a friend who is on heroin and being held against her will. Police are looking for the possible woman in Queens.
The investigation is ongoing.

Source: http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Holland-Tunnel-Arrest-Weapon-Ammon-Ballistic-Vests-Terrorism-Investigation-New-York-383805691.html#ixzz4CEUVFh85 

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